


Neurotechnology 提供收购 Synthetic Faces Dataset,这是一个旨在满足最高专业标准的人工生成数据的综合集合。该数据集包括 100 万张不同的 AI 生成的具有各种特征(面部毛发、头罩、眼镜等)的面孔,不包含任何真实世界的身份。它包括多个国籍、种族、性别、年龄,甚至宗教信仰。

为满足不同的研究需求而量身定制,该数据集的数量各不相同,从至少 10,000 张面孔开始。它是研究工作的宝贵资源,促进了模型的训练并促进了该领域的进步。



Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
Synthetic Face Dataset, thumbnail of a sample image
